Looking back over the years it is clear to me how God’s hand has always been in my life. My mother tells me the story about me as an infant and how she was able to do anything in the house from cooking to cleaning and more as long as there was music going on. She said that when the music stopped, I would start crying and all that she would have to do is turn the tape over to the B side and hit play and I would stop crying. Years later when I was in first grade, my first grade teacher also taught keyboards. A friend of the family had donated a 3 manual Wurlitzer Orbit Organ and I found myself gravitating to it often. I went to church as a young child and tried to figure out the hymns that were being played in church one note at a time and one finger at a time.
I accepted Christ as my Savior at the age of 12. It was at a Christmas “Festival of Lights” program and the music was so moving but it was when Pastor got up and shared a message that was a real turning point for me. He tied everything together between God’s Word and His music. It all clicked for me and really made sense. I switched to the piano at the age of 9 from the organ at the recommendation of a piano teacher. I believe that this was a God thing. God used this teacher to place me on the instrument of His choosing. At 14, I prayed a short prayer…”God, use me.” I gave the talent and gift back to Him that year and never looked back. God’s Word and music changed my life. These were the turning points in my life. I have been called into ministry to change, encourage and impact lives.
At age 18 I had to make a decision to either head in the direction of Christian entertainment or ministry and I chose ministry. Ministry is where life change happens. I love walking with people in the times that are good and the times that are bad. I headed to music school at 18 and had wonderful people who helped me develop my musical gift. God gives the gift and we have to do our best to develop the gift that He gives us. God gave His best and we have to give our best. It was at this time in my life, my early years of music school, where my ministry was starting and 20 years later, I am still a musicianary who shares His saving message anywhere God sends me. It really is amazing to see with some time that has passed now where God can take us on the journey. My prayer in the end is that I have been faithful to the Call on my life and obedient in doing so. I believe that we all cross paths to listen to each other and to encourage one another.
God has been faithful to His promise and so must we at any cost. Jesus paid it all and I owe Him! My life verse is Ephesians 5:19 “ speaking to one another with psalms, hymns, and songs from the Spirit. Sing and make music from your heart to the Lord, 20 always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.” This verse is what I have held onto for the past 20 years of my ministry. I recently saw a quote and it summed up my feelings about the day we get to see Jesus face to face. I’d like to share it with you. “When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left, and could say, “I used everything You gave me.”
Support the Music & Ministry of Alex-Zsolt
Bring the Alex-Zsolt ministry to you!
A ministry event with Alex-Zsolt is designed to uplift, inspire, encourage, lead the Body to worship, and to use music as a means of revealing Jesus Christ as Lord! Alex’s prayer is to change and impact the lives of people in and outside of the church walls through God’s Word and music.
For more info on bringing Alex to your church, school, or community event click here.
After years of music education and ministry, Alex felt the call and need to share valuable information with music students, church choirs, praise teams, and music directors. The Alex-Zsolt Music Academy is designed to help people more effectively share their gifts and get the most out of their God-given talents through our master classes, private lessons, and music consulting sessions.
Suggested Classes or Consulting Topics (in person or via Skype):
- Being a Better Accompanist
- A Great Big Beautiful Tomorrow
- Every Choir Member is a Minister
- Planning Better Worship Services
- Music in the Bible
- Composition and Arranging
- And more!
For more info on how to bring Alex to your church or school for a master class, private lesson, or music consulting, click here.
You’ll find a wide variety of items in the Alex-Zsolt store for both pianists and music lovers alike. Alex-Zsolt has released 20 CD projects and published numerous piano books. Your purchase helps to support both Alex-Zsolt Ministries as well as Food For the Hungry.
To listen to or purchase these projects, click here.
To learn about the needs of Alex-Zsolt Ministries, and how you can help, please click here.